Lab News



Undergraduate John Merrick joins the lab!

Navya Tarikere applies for the Sophomore Research Fellowship!


John and Anton submit an abstract for 2023 BPS Conference!



Anton and Luke attend the 2021 Biophysics Meeting, presenting their poster. Anton also competes in the Undergraduate Poster Award Competition


Anton receives the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Hilldale Award!


Navya Tarikere, a sophomore at UW-Madison, joins the lab!

Anton submits an abstract for the Society of Neuroscience!

Dr. Jennifer Borchardt completes and defends her thesis! She graduates from the UW-Madison’s Cellular and Molecular Biology Ph.D. program.

Luke heads off for Colorado to attend graduate school at the University of Colorado-Anschutz Medical Campus. He will be in the Neuroscience Graduate program!


Anton and Cindy attend SfN conference virtually.



Anton receives the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Sophomore Research Fellowship



Anton presents his project at the UW-Madison Biology 152 Undergraduate Poster Session


Nathalie Dinguirard joins the lab as a senior scientist!

Jenn Borchardt presents her research at the Society for Neuroscience in Chicago, IL


Luke Blecker joins the lab as a research intern from Muhlenberg College!


Teja presents her senior thesis

January –

Noreen Giezenndanner joins the lab as a research intern from Switzerland!


September –

Cindy is announced as the Associate Vice Chancellor for Research in the Biological Sciences

Anton Tung joins the lab as a undergraduate researcher!

Cindy goes to Norway to represent UW Madison as Dr Fettiplace receives the Kavli Prize in Neuroscience

August –

The lab attends Jenn’s wedding!

June –

Congratulations to Dr Vicki Tsao on her graduation! She will be starting as a post doc at UC Berkeley

May –

Namrta’s daughter, Navya, is born!

Congratulations to Dr Varun Tiwari on his graduation!

Teja receives the Bromley Conference Travel Award from L&S Honors Program

February –

Teja receives the Education Committee Travel Award from the Biophysics Society

Teja wins the Undergrad Poster Competition at the 2018 Biophysics Society Meeting!


December –

Cindy is announced as the Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Research in the Biological Sciences

November –

Jenn Borchardt presents her research at the Society for Neuroscience in Chicago, IL

October –

Jenn receives the CMB Travel Award to attend the 2018 Society for Neuroscience Meeting

June –

Welcome to our Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow, Brianne Nunez

May –

Jenn receives an F31 NRSA Fellowship!

Teja wins a Hilldale Research Fellowship!